A Guide to Purchasing and Using Transportation IC Cards in Japan: Suica, Pasmo, and More

Are you planning a trip to Japan and wondering how to navigate its efficient public transportation system? One essential tool you'll need is an IC card. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of purchasing and using transportation IC cards in Japan, including popular options like Suica and Pasmo.

What are Transportation IC Cards?

Transportation IC cards are rechargeable smart cards used for various modes of public transportation in Japan, including trains, buses, subways, and even some taxis. These cards offer a convenient and cashless way to pay for fares, eliminating the need to purchase tickets for each ride.

Types of Transportation IC Cards

While there are several IC cards available in Japan, two of the most widely used ones are Suica and Pasmo. Here's a brief overview of each:

  1. Suica: Issued by the East Japan Railway Company (JR East), Suica is widely accepted across Japan, particularly in the Tokyo metropolitan area and other major cities.

  2. Pasmo: Pasmo is issued by the Pasmo Co., Ltd., and is also accepted nationwide. It functions similarly to Suica and is compatible with most transportation networks.

Purchasing an IC Card

You can purchase an IC card at ticket vending machines located in train stations and major transportation hubs. Follow these steps:

  1. 1.Approach a ticket vending machine labeled with the logo of the desired IC                   card (Suica or Pasmo).
  2. 2.Select the "English" option if available.
  3. 3.Choose "Purchase New Card" and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. 4.Insert cash or use a credit/debit card to add initial funds to the card. The amount varies depending on the card issuer and your preference.

Using Your IC Card

Using your IC card is simple and straightforward:

  1. 1.Touch In: When entering a train station or boarding a bus, look for the fare gates with IC card readers. Touch your card to the reader as you pass through.

  2. 2.Touch Out: When exiting the station or bus, touch your card again to the reader located near the fare gates.

  3. 3.Fare Adjustment: If your fare exceeds the initial amount charged to your IC card, you can add more funds at any ticket vending machine.

Other Transportation IC Cards

In addition to Suica and Pasmo, other regions in Japan may have their own IC cards, such as ICOCA (Western Japan), Kitaca (Hokkaido), and PiTaPa (Kansai region). The purchasing and usage processes are similar to Suica and Pasmo.


Transportation IC cards are indispensable for navigating Japan's extensive public transportation network. Whether you're exploring Tokyo, Osaka, or beyond, having an IC card will make your travels more convenient and efficient. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you'll be ready to explore Japan with ease!